
By TMX Archives on 9th Feb 04


The new-look Rage is, wait for it, in a new position as well - find our Marketplace towards the back of the mag and keep turning... This month is also the last time Rage will be edited by my old mucker Richard Halsey. The new-look Rage is, wait for it, in a new position as well - find our Marketplace towards the back of the mag and keep turning... This month is also the last time Rage will be edited by my old mucker Richard Halsey. Since taking over Rage, Rich and his girlfriend Tracy have managed to produce a couple of nippers and - with a full-time day job to contend with as well - Rich has reluctantly decided that something's gotta give. Obviously, adoption's out of the question so he's given Rage the heave-ho but, happily, in between changing nappies Rich will continue to do stuff for us.In Rich's place I'm delighted to welcome Ray Chuss to the good ship dbr! Ray's a bit of a demon with a camera and, in MX parlance, 'stoked' with his new position. So if you've got anything you'd like included in April's Rage drop him a line at talltreephotos@btopenworld.comAnd I'm also delighted to welcome Geoff Walker aboard as our new technical editor. Geoff's one of the country's top spannermen and kicks off his dbr reign of terror with a feature on prepping new bikes. So if you're the proud owner of a brand-spanker then turn to page 53 before you even attempt to turn a wheel. You know it makes sense...But before you get to Walker's World have a gander at page 13 where we're launching a comp to find the face of dbr. You'll find full details there but, basically, we're looking for a model/promo lady and have teamed up with Fro Systems to offer a great prize package for the winner.This month we're running a pull-out poster with a bit of a difference. Your mission - if you choose to accept it (and I strongly advise that you do) - is to carefully remove the poster, take it to your local shop and ask nicely if they'll stick it up in the window. Then loads of people will see it and decide to pop along to Hawkstone Park for the big pre-season international on March 7. Simple, eh? And you can even win one of 10 Hawkstone prize packages - check out page 52 if you don't believe me!And that brings me nicely onto the subject of the new season. We've been lucky enough to enjoy a relatively busy SX season but the real business of MX gets under way at Matchams on February 28/29 with round one of the KWS series. The following week it's the aforementioned Hawkstone international followed just seven days later by the opening round of the Maxxis British champs. So fill yer boots...

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